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Project Package Status
The general status of the packages is as follows: TSsdmx has rapidly become the prime mechanism for downlaoding data from most statistical organizations. Some of the data providers are still in development mode and not completely stable. TSmisc contains wrappers that were previously in separate package (TSgetSymbol, TShistQuote, TSxls, TSzip) and thus is fairly well tested and stable. TSMySQL, TSPostgreSQL, TSSQLite, and TSodbc are all well tested and stable. TScompare, and TSdata are also mature and well tested. TSjson works and is fairly actively tested, but is only implemented for a connection to Statistics Canada. The umderlying mechanizm is not a real API and inherits some instability because of this. This package will be phased out when Statistics Canada implements SDMX/REST. It has been archived on CRAN and is only available from this R-forge site. TSOracle may work, but I have no mechanism to test it. (Volunteers please contact the project administrator.) It is only available from this R-forge site. TSfame worked (in 2011) but I no longer have access to Fame to test it. (Also, the fame package, which TSfame uses, requires purchasing the Fame API driver to build completely. I have never tested this in Windows, but it should work.) TSpadi worked (in 2011) but I no longer have access to Fame to test it and it has been archived on CRAN and is only available from this R-forge site. It is largely superceded by TSfame and other packages. If you are interested in becoming a developer on this project, especially if you can test or help extend the packages to cover other sources of time series data, please contact the project administrator. |